Ecological & Social Impacts


Related Publications

Title Date Type Files Related Topics

Genetically engineered gene drives: IUCN report on Synthetic Biology lacks balance

A critique of the IUCN report ‘Genetic Frontiers for Conservation: An assessment of synthetic biology and biodiversity conservation’ – with regards to its assessment of gene drives

by Mark Wells, PhD & Ricarda Steinbrecher, PhD

(30 pages)

Published by: Critical Scientists Switzerland (CSS), European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER), & Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler (VDW/FGS)
May 2021

Biofuels: how many are invasive alien species?

Helena Paul

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ECO 40(3)
Apr 2012 Article

GM crops are driving genocide and ecocide - keep them out of the EU!

Helena Paul

The Ecologist, February 2014
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Coming to your table?

GMO crops resistant to 'war herbicide' 2,4D

Helena Paul

The Ecologist, May 2014
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Hungry Corporations: transnational biotech companies colonise the food chain

by Helena Paul and Ricarda Steinbrecher with Devlin Kuyek and Lucy Michaels

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Zed Books, London & New York
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Briefing Paper on Transgenic Trees

Implications for Human Health, Biodiversity and Biosafety

Joint briefing paper issued by: Global Justice Ecology Project, EcoNexus, Friends of the Earth International, Global Forest Forum and World Rainforest Movement

(2 pages)

Prepared for CBD COP8 (available in English, Spanish and Portugese)
Mar 2006 Briefing

Argentina and GM soya

The Cost of Complying with US Pressure

by Helena Paul and Ricarda Steinbrecher

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Excerpt from Hungry Corporations - transnational biotech companies colonize the food chain
Sep 2003 Briefing

Can sustainability criteria for certification of agrofuels be effective?

Helena Paul

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in: Policy Department Economic and Scientific Policy Sustainable Biofuel Production in Tropical and Subtropical Countries Workshop proceedings 12 June 2008, p. 19-22
May 2008 Chapter

Swords and Ploughshares

Industrial agriculture as warfare and the need for a paradigm shift

Helena Paul

in Angie Zelter: The Chains of War - nuclear weapons, militarisation and their impact on society (2014)
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The corruption of agricultural science

The impacts of GM crops in Argentina: with pictures from Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil

Helena Paul

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African Agricultural Growth Corridors and the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition: Who benefits, who loses?

Helena Paul and Ricarda Steinbrecher

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May 2013 Report

Gene Drives - a report on their science, applications, social aspects, ethics and regulations

Critical Scientists Switzerland (CSS), European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) and Federation of German Scientists (FGS/VDW)

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Gene Drives website
May 2019 Report

Agrofuels: Towards a Reality Check in Nine Key Areas

Co-published by Biofuelwatch, Carbon Trade Watch / Transnational Institute, Corporate Europe Observatory, EcoNexus, Ecoropa, Grupo de Reflexión Rural, Munlochy Vigil, NOAH (Friends of the Earth Denmark), Rettet den Regenwald, Watch Indonesia

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Report submitted to the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in preparation for SBSTTA 12 (July 2007, Paris, France).
Mar 2007 Report

V-GURTs (Terminator Technology)

Design, Reality and Inherent Risks

by EcoNexus and the Federation of German Scientists; lead author: Ricarda A. Steinbrecher, PhD

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Submission to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, Working Group on Article 8(j)
Jan 2006 Report

Argentina: A Case Study on the Impact of Genetically Engineered Soya

How producing RR soya is destroying the food security and sovereignty of Argentina

by Lilian Joensen, Stella Semino, Grupo de Reflexión Rural, Argentina and Helena Paul, EcoNexus

(30 pages)

for The Gaia Foundation
Mar 2005 Report

Potential Ecological and Social Impacts of Genetically Engineered Trees

Commentary on the official background paper by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) entitled “The Potential Environmental, Cultural and Socio-Economic Impacts of Genetically Modified Trees” (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/13/INF/6)

Co-published by 10 organisations: Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, EcoNexus, Ecoropa, Friends of Siberian Forest, Global Forest Coalition, Global Justice Ecology Project, PIPEC (Pacific Indigenous Peoples Environment Coalition), Stop GE Tree Campaign, Timberwatch Coalition, World Rainforest Movement.

(7 pages)

Prepared for CBD SBSTTA 13 Meeting, Rome, Italy, 18-22 February, 2008
Feb 2008 Technical Briefing