Genetic Engineering (GE)


Related Publications

Title Date Type Files Related Topics

GM-Gene Flow (b)

Horizontal gene transfer of viral inserts from GM plants to viruses

by Jonathan Latham and Ricarda Steinbrecher

(8 pages)

Feb 2004 Technical Report

Genome Scrambling – Myth or Reality?

Transformation-Induced Mutations in Transgenic Crop Plants

by Allison Wilson, PhD, Jonathan Latham, PhD and Ricarda Steinbrecher, PhD

(36 pages)

Sep 2004 Technical Report

The Mutational Consequences of Plant Transformation

by JR Latham, AK Wilson and RA Steinbrecher

(7 pages)

In: Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology (2006), Volume 2006, Article ID 25376
Jan 2006 Scientific Paper

An EU Perspective on Biosafety Considerations for Plants Developed by Genome Editing and Other New Genetic Modification Techniques (nGMs)

M.F. Eckerstorfer, M. Dolezel, A. Heissenberger, M. Miklau, W. Reichenbecher, R. A. Steinbrecher, and F. Wassmann.

Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 7:31.
Mar 2019 Scientific Paper

Transformation-induced Mutations in Transgenic Plants

Analysis and Biosafety Implications

by Allison K Wilson, Jonathan R Latham and Ricarda A Steinbrecher

(29 pages)

In: Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, Vol 23, December 2006, pp. 209-237
Dec 2006 Scientific Paper

Gene Drives - a report on their science, applications, social aspects, ethics and regulations

Critical Scientists Switzerland (CSS), European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) and Federation of German Scientists (FGS/VDW)

(341 pages)

Gene Drives website
May 2019 Report

The CaMV 35S Promoter

Government and Corporate Scientific Incompetence:
Failure to assess the safety of GM crops

by Ricarda A. Steinbrecher

(2 pages)

Dec 2002 Briefing

Hungry Corporations: transnational biotech companies colonise the food chain

by Helena Paul and Ricarda Steinbrecher with Devlin Kuyek and Lucy Michaels

(242 pages)

Zed Books, London & New York
Sep 2003 Book

Biotech Companies COMPACTing their responsibilties

Antje Lorch

(2 pages)

ECO 43(3) published at MOP4 in Hyderabad, October 2012 -
Sep 2012 Article

Genetically engineered gene drives: IUCN report on Synthetic Biology lacks balance

A critique of the IUCN report ‘Genetic Frontiers for Conservation: An assessment of synthetic biology and biodiversity conservation’ – with regards to its assessment of gene drives

by Mark Wells, PhD & Ricarda Steinbrecher, PhD

(30 pages)

Published by: Critical Scientists Switzerland (CSS), European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER), & Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler (VDW/FGS)
May 2021