Related Publications

Title Date Type Files Related Topics

GE Wheat trial by Rothamsted Research

Submission on Rothamsted Research application for consent to release genetically modified wheat in the UK

Dr. Ricarda A. Steinbrecher

(7 pages)

Jul 2011 Submission

Open Letter on the release of GM mosquitos in Malaysia

Open Letter from Civil Society Organizations in Response to the Field Release of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes in Malaysia

EcoNexus as one of 74 civil society organizations around the world

(4 pages)

Feb 2011 Open Letter

GM chicken - a solution to bird flu?

Jan 2011 Commentary

CSO statement on the planned field release of GM mosquitos

Statement of Concern from Civil Society Organizations Regarding Field Release of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes

EcoNexus as one of 87 civil society organisations

(5 pages)

Dec 2010 Open Letter

Release of GM mosquito Aedes aegypti OX513A (NRE(S)609-2/1/3)

Scientific opinion to the Department of Biosafety, Ministery of Natural Resources and Environment of Malaysia

Ricarda A. Steinbrecher

Aug 2010 Scientific opinion

Soy production and certification: the case of Argentinean soy-based biodiesel

Julia Tomei, Stella Semino, Helena Paul, Lilian Joensen, Mario Monti & Erling Jelsøe

(23 pages)

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 15(4): 371-394, DOI: 10.1007/s11027-010-9225-2
Mar 2010 Scientific Paper

Feed the world?

R. Steinbrecher & A. Lorch

(4 pages)

The Ecologist, November 2008.
Nov 2008 Article

Land-use, Bioenergy and Agro-biotechnology

Les Levidov (Open University) and Helena Paul (Econexus)

(35 pages)

Study for the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)
Jul 2008 Technical Report

Genetically Engineered Trees & Risk Assessment

An overview of risk assessment and risk management issues

by Ricarda A. Steinbrecher and Antje Lorch

(30 pages)

Published by the Federation of German Scientists. Presented at CBD COP9 negotiations on GE trees
Apr 2008 Report

Potential Ecological and Social Impacts of Genetically Engineered Trees

Commentary on the official background paper by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) entitled “The Potential Environmental, Cultural and Socio-Economic Impacts of Genetically Modified Trees” (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/13/INF/6)

Co-published by 10 organisations: Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, EcoNexus, Ecoropa, Friends of Siberian Forest, Global Forest Coalition, Global Justice Ecology Project, PIPEC (Pacific Indigenous Peoples Environment Coalition), Stop GE Tree Campaign, Timberwatch Coalition, World Rainforest Movement.

(7 pages)

Prepared for CBD SBSTTA 13 Meeting, Rome, Italy, 18-22 February, 2008
Feb 2008 Technical Briefing

GE Rice

The Genetic Engineering of the World’s Leading Staple Crop

by Ricarda A. Steinbrecher

(24 pages)

for Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific
Dec 2007 Report

Agrofuels: Towards a Reality Check in Nine Key Areas

Co-published by Biofuelwatch, Carbon Trade Watch / Transnational Institute, Corporate Europe Observatory, EcoNexus, Ecoropa, Grupo de Reflexión Rural, Munlochy Vigil, NOAH (Friends of the Earth Denmark), Rettet den Regenwald, Watch Indonesia

(36 pages)

Report submitted to the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in preparation for SBSTTA 12 (July 2007, Paris, France).
Mar 2007 Report

Briefing Paper on Transgenic Trees

Implications for Human Health, Biodiversity and Biosafety

Joint briefing paper issued by: Global Justice Ecology Project, EcoNexus, Friends of the Earth International, Global Forest Forum and World Rainforest Movement

(2 pages)

Prepared for CBD COP8 (available in English, Spanish and Portugese)
Mar 2006 Briefing

Genetically Engineered Trees: No Solution to Global Warming

UN COP-8 Briefing No. 2

Published by EcoNexus & Global Justice Ecology Project

(2 pages)

Prepared for CBD COP8 (available in English, Spanish and Portugese)
Mar 2006 Briefing

Argentina: A Case Study on the Impact of Genetically Engineered Soya

How producing RR soya is destroying the food security and sovereignty of Argentina

by Lilian Joensen, Stella Semino, Grupo de Reflexión Rural, Argentina and Helena Paul, EcoNexus

(30 pages)

for The Gaia Foundation
Mar 2005 Report

Interview: Thai Rice Farmer on GM crops

Daoreung Pheudphon explains why GM crops are a threat to farmers and won’t feed the world

Conducted by Ricarda A. Steinbrecher, Ph.D.,

(2 pages)

Carried out in Bangkok at a public rice fair, 20 February 2005.
Feb 2005 Article

Argentina and GM soya

The Cost of Complying with US Pressure

by Helena Paul and Ricarda Steinbrecher

(2 pages)

Excerpt from Hungry Corporations - transnational biotech companies colonize the food chain
Sep 2003 Briefing

Golden Rice, Patents and Vitamin A Deficiency

by Helena Paul and Ricarda Steinbrecher

(4 pages)

Excerpt from Hungry Corporations - transnational biotech companies colonize the food chain
Sep 2003 Briefing

Genetic Dialectic

The Biological Politics of Genetically Modified Trees

by Viola Sampson and Larry Lohmann

(12 pages)

joint Cornerhouse / EcoNexus publication
Dec 2000 Briefing