Submission Publications

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Title Date Type Files Related Topics

Synthetic Biology needs urgent attention from the SBSTTA


(14 pages)

Sep 2011 Submission

Potential Impacts of Synthetic Biology on the Biodiversity

The International Civil Society Working Group on Synthetic Biology
Consisting of: Action Group On Erosion, Technology and Concentration (ETC Group), Center for Food Safety Center for Food Safety, Econexus, Friends of the Earth USA, International Center for Technology Assessment, and The Sustainability Council of New Zealand

(54 pages)

Sep 2011 Submission

Objection against the planned Rocpower biofuel plant

Rocpower ‐ proposed Biofuel Power Generation Plant, Whaley Road, Baraugh Green, Ref 2009/1539

Helena Paul

(2 pages)

Jul 2011 Submission

GE Wheat trial by Rothamsted Research

Submission on Rothamsted Research application for consent to release genetically modified wheat in the UK

Dr. Ricarda A. Steinbrecher

(7 pages)

Jul 2011 Submission

Information concerning Innovative Financial Mechanisms (IFMs): Offset Programmes

A submission to the CBD Secretariat concerning decision X/3

Helena Paul & Antje Lorch

(13 pages)

Jun 2011 Submission

EU biofuel target causes serious damage in the Global South

Comments on the transport elements of the Renewable Energy Directive and on article 7 of the EU Fuel Quality Directive

Helena Paul

(3 pages)

May 2011 Submission